You have Site Recovery Manager (SRM) in place to protect critical vCloud servers in the event of
a disaster. Over lunch, a manager asks you why SRM is configured to protect only the vCloud
servers and not the actual department workload VMs. What do you tell her?
The workload VMs are on fenced networks, which can’t be failed over.
SRM can’t fail over the workload VMs, but it is a simple matter to restart them once the vCloud
servers have failed over.
Workload VM failover is implied when you failover the vCloud infrastructure servers.
vCloud workloads can be migrated with vCloud Director once it has failed over and so are not
required to be protected with SRM.
vSphere Site Recovery Manager does not support the protection of VMware vCloud Director workloads. Due to this limitation these will be failed-over through several manual steps. All of these steps can be automated using tools like vSphere PowerCLI or vCenter Orchestrator.