What will Cloudformation do in this scenario?

A user has created a Cloudformation stack. The stack creates AWS services, such as EC2 instances, ELB,
AutoScaling, and RDS. While creating the stack it created EC2, ELB and AutoScaling but failed to create RDS.
What will Cloudformation do in this scenario?

A user has created a Cloudformation stack. The stack creates AWS services, such as EC2 instances, ELB,
AutoScaling, and RDS. While creating the stack it created EC2, ELB and AutoScaling but failed to create RDS.
What will Cloudformation do in this scenario?

Cloudformation can never throw an error after launching a few services since it verifies all the steps
before launching

It will warn the user about the error and ask the user to manually create RDS

Rollback all the changes and terminate all the created services

It will wait for the user’s input about the error and correct the mistake after the input


AWS Cloudformation is an application management tool which provides application modelling, deployment,
configuration, management and related activities. The AWS Cloudformation stack is a collection of AWS
resources which are created and managed as a single unit when AWS CloudFormation instantiates a template.
If any of the services fails to launch, Cloudformation will rollback all the changes and terminate or delete all
the created services.

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C is correct.

viraj soni

viraj soni

it will rollback as per AWS documentation