A developer needs to create a multi-tier development stack for a home lab.
Which vSphere product will support the architecture required for the least software cost?
vSphere Hypervisor
vSphere Essentials
VMware Player
VMware Workstation
A. Free
vSphere Hypervisor
B. Paid
vSphere Essentials
C. Free,but can’t create VM
VMware Player
D. Paid
VMware Workstation
VMware Player has been able to create VMs and install OSes since v3 (2009). This question appears to be wrong for a 5.5 test created in 2013.
VMware player and workstation are not vSphere product
The key phrase is “multi tier development stack”. But what does it mean?
Does it mean that I can create/run multiple VM instances or does that mean vApps with its additional properties (startup/shutdown order etc.)
If vApps is meant, then B is correct, A is false bc. vApps need vCenter Server. vApps config data is stored in vCenter Server. The free version Hypervisor does not allow to cennect to vCenter Server
I agree. I think multiple tier means application server+ web server+data server etc. and normally we should configure them in the vApp