A Windows Server 2008 virtual machine with the following configuration receives an Out of Space
condition indicator:
• The virtual machine uses thin provisioned virtual disks.
• The VMFS5 datastore on which the virtual machine’s files reside is on a thin provisioned LUN.
• 30% of the VMFS datastore content is no longer needed.
• The storage array supports VASA and VAAI.
Which action should the vSphere administrator take to resolve the Out of Space problem without
requesting additional space on the storage array?
Delete unneeded files on the VMFS datastore and then use vmkfstools to reclaim deleted
Delete unneeded files on the VMFS datastore, right-click the datastore in vSphere Web Client,
and then select the Reclaim Deleted Blocks option.
Delete some files from the guest OS and defrag its file system.
Delete some files from the guest OS and use vmkfstools to reclaim the deleted blocks.
vmkfstools is the OLD way esxcli is the NEW way (Vsphere 5.5>)
But A. is the best answer. All Guest OS actions (C. AND D.) do NOT answer the question.
Thanks Bart!
A : Delete unneeded files on the VMFS datastore and then use vmkfstools to reclaim deleted
Bart is right. vmkfstool ‘–punchzero’ operates on .vmdk files. esxcli ‘storage vmfs unmap’ operates on vmfs.