What is the likely reason for the indication?

A vSphere administrator finds a HA/DRS cluster status has turned RED indicating a degraded
What is the likely reason for the indication?

A vSphere administrator finds a HA/DRS cluster status has turned RED indicating a degraded
What is the likely reason for the indication?

The cluster enabled for HA has lost resources and is unable to fulfill its failover requirements.

The cluster does not have enough resources to satisfy the reservations of all resource pools
and virtual machines.

Incompatible CPU generations between hosts are preventing DRS migrations.

The cluster is currently electing a Master host and is unavailable to perform HA functions.


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Hard to see the difference between the two ‘A’ answers for this and the previous question Q111 where the cluster turns Yellow. In both scenarios the cause is insufficient cluster resources to fulfill failover requirements. Why then in one case it’s Yellow, while here it’s Red ??
Perhaps, just another example of VMware being on a mission to make their exams “special” by focusing on subtle semantic differences or deliberately confusing people by giving silly response options (among which either none seem to be correct, or more correct answers than required). Evidently this tactics have very little to do with testing real knowledge / experience…
Anyway, ‘C’ may be a reasonable choice as well but haven’t been able to find supporting documentation.



Perhaps, the difference between Q111 and this one is that here the cluster “lost resources” ( = host(s) failure).



Interesting… just tested it in my lab by specifying “Host failures the cluster tolerates” to be __equal__ to the total number of member hosts in the cluster, which is obvious misconfigurtion as there would be no running host left to restart VMs. Nevertheless, no light indicator comes on !
The Red indicator turns on only after “Host failures the cluster tolerates” is set to __greater__ than the total number of hosts in the cluster, accompanied by the message “Configuration Issues: Insufficient resources to satisfy vSphere HA failover level on cluster XX…”.
So, the question to VMware would be: How come there’s no indicator / no issue reported in the first case ?? And give them following choices as a possible response:

A) Bug in vSphere software
B) Intended “feature” (+ some lengthy silly explanation as to why it works this way)
C) Is or will be fixed in next release or version (you must be on SnS or pay for upgrade)
D) None of the above / refuse to answer.



The correct answer is A. ‘Degraded’ means it’s a failure that’s not going to recover on its own, hence the RED status indicator