What would be the recommended location of these templates?

You are using Virtual Center to deploy VMs.You want all templates to be seen by all ESX Servers in all farms,whether or not each ESX Server is connected to a SAN.
What would be the recommended location of these templates?

You are using Virtual Center to deploy VMs.You want all templates to be seen by all ESX Servers in all farms,whether or not each ESX Server is connected to a SAN.
What would be the recommended location of these templates?

Place templates in a Virtual Center datastore.

Place templates in theVirtual Center upload directory.

Place templates in a common, SAN based VMFS.

Place templates in a shared /vmimages directory on an ESX Server.


Templates are stored at the following locations:
Template upload directory*On the Virtual Center server machine. A copy of the original virtual machine virtual disks is placed in the directory you specify as the template upload directory. This method is useful when your source virtual machine is not located on a SAN based storage device.
As the question states that not all ESX server access a SAN , the answer should be B

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