If you export this virtualdisk, how many new files will result?

Suppose you have an ESX Server virtualdisk, 19GB in size. The file system in this virtualdisk is halffull.If you export this virtualdisk, how many new files will result?

Suppose you have an ESX Server virtualdisk, 19GB in size. The file system in this virtualdisk is halffull.If you export this virtualdisk, how many new files will result?

Exactly one

Fiveor six

Ten or eleven

It is impossibleto predict


When a virtual disk(.vmdk file monolithic format)is exported to COW format, you should expect to have( #of gigabytes in size)/2+1. The#of gigabytes/2 would be rounded upto the next whole number. The"+1"is the text file that keeps track of how many. vmdk files, size when it’s imported back in,etc.So for example if the.vmdk file was19gb in size(19/2)+1=~11COW format pieces. There should be 11 files,all less than 2gb each."

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