The initiators can use one of the following formats:

When configuring your iSCSI initiators, make sure they have properly names. The initiators can use one of the following formats:

When configuring your iSCSI initiators, make sure they have properly names. The initiators can use one of the following formats:

FQDN (fully qualified domain name)

IQN (iSCSI qualified name)

IQDN (iSCSI qualified domiain name)

EUI (extended unique identifier)


When configuring your iSCSI initiators, make sure they have properly formatted names. The initiators can use one of the following formats:
– IQN (iSCSI qualified name) – Can be up to 255 characters long and has the following format: iqn.<year-mo>.< reversed_domain_name>:<unique_name>,where <year-mo> represents the year and month your domain name was registered, <reversed_domain_name> is the official domain name, reversed, and <unique_name> is any name you want to use, for example, the name of your server. An example might be
– EUI (extended unique identifier) Represents the eui. prefix followed by the 16-character name. The name includes 24 bits for company name assigned by the IEEE and 40 bits for a unique ID such as a serial number.

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