Which two situations will result in VMware restarting virtual machines?

Which two situations will result in VMware restarting virtual machines? Select two.

Which two situations will result in VMware restarting virtual machines? Select two.

A guest OS fails.

An ESX Server in the cluster becomes isolated from the network.

An ESX Server in the cluster is manually powered off.

An ESX Server in the cluster is put into Maintenance mode.

Per VI# ESX Resource Mgmt Guide – A cluster pools a set of hosts. If DRS is enabled, the cluster supports shared resource pools and performs placement and dynamic load balancing for virtual machines. If HA is enabled, the cluster supports failover. When a host fails, all associated virtual machines are restarted on different hosts. ESX considers an Isolated host as failed after 14 seconds of receiving no heartbeats. The isolated host shuts down its VMs so that the other ESX server will have access to the shared files
page 29-30 Resource Management Guide

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