what can be done to ensure that a specific virtual machine (VM) does not migrate automatically

In fully automated DRS cluster, what can be done to ensure that a specific virtual machine (VM) does not migrate automatically to another host?

In fully automated DRS cluster, what can be done to ensure that a specific virtual machine (VM) does not migrate automatically to another host?

set the DRS VM options report_section=”8″ for specific VM to Partially Automated

use the Affinity Wizard to specify manual automation

do nothing because the DRS cluster must be put in Partially Automated mode to allow this level of control.

Set the DRS VM rule to “keep on this host”


After you have created a DRS cluster, you can edit its properties to create rules that specify affinity. You can use these rules to determine that:
– DRS should try to keep certain VMs together on the same host
– DRS should try to make sure that certain VM’s are not together…”

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