When using the Explicit Failover option for a virtual switch with multiple uplinks, ESXdetermines the uplink to use in a failover event by?

When using the Explicit Failover option for a virtual switch with multiple uplinks, ESX
determines the uplink to use in a failover event by?

When using the Explicit Failover option for a virtual switch with multiple uplinks, ESX
determines the uplink to use in a failover event by?

using link state tracking to see which uplinks are connected

using beacon probing to discover which uplink has the shortest route

a specified list

using the reported uptime to determine which uplink to select

ESX Configuration Guide ESX 4.0 vCenter Server 4.0, page 43.
Use explicit failover order – Always use the highest order uplink from the list of Active
adapters which passes failover detection criteria.

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Santina Strutton

Santina Strutton

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