Which of the following would accomplish this?

An administrator wants to restrict the ability of selected administrators to install plug-ins
in their vSphere Client applications. Which of the following would accomplish this?

An administrator wants to restrict the ability of selected administrators to install plug-ins
in their vSphere Client applications. Which of the following would accomplish this?

Remove the plug-in or plug-ins from the vCenter Server

Modify the extensions.xml file and remove the unwanted plug-ins

Modify permissions for the administrators and remove the Register Extension

Right-Click on the plug-in under Manage Plug-ins and choose Disable

vSphere Basic System Administration vCenter Server 4.0 ESX 4.0 ESXi 4.0, page 302.
Extensions privileges control the ability to install and manage extensions
Table A-6. Extension Privileges
Privilege Name Description
Register extension Registers an extension (plug-in)

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