Which vCenter Server role, by default, has performance privileges?

Which vCenter Server role, by default, has performance privileges?

Which vCenter Server role, by default, has performance privileges?

Virtual Machine Power User NO

Virtual Machine Administrator

Resource Pool Administrator NO

Datacenter Administrator

None of the other answers are correct.

Managing VMware VirtualCenter Roles and Permissions, page 5.
Table 1 – Sample roles included in VirtualCenter 2.x
Virtual Machine Administrator (equivalent to the role with the same name in
VirtualCenter 1.x)
Perform actions on global items, folders, datacenters, datastores, hosts, virtual machines,
resources, alarms, and sessions. This includes:
All privileges for all privilege groups, except permissions.

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Answer should be Resource Pool administrator -C
The roles in 5 are
no access, read-only, administrator, vm power user, vm user, resource pool administrator, vmware consolidated backup user, datastore consumre, and network consumer, vrm policy, and vsphere distributed switch.

There is no vm administrator
Neither the vm power user or vm user have any resource permissions by default