ESX/ESXi host, which of the following benefits are realized?

When backing up a virtual machine using a backup server running in another VM on the same
ESX/ESXi host, which of the following benefits are realized?

When backing up a virtual machine using a backup server running in another VM on the same
ESX/ESXi host, which of the following benefits are realized?

Load on the ESX/ESXi host is reduced.

A backup window is not needed.

Backup time is reduced since the backup uses CPU cycles.

A full virtual machine restore is possible.

Yet another possibility is off-line backups where files encapsulat-
ing virtual machines are accessed and backed up without going
through the ESX Server system on which the virtual machines
normally run. You must use either the Consolidated Backup
feature that supports export of a full virtual machine or storage
replication if you use this approach.

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