What are three advantages of VCB over conventional agent-based methods of backing up a virtual machine’s (VM’s) data? (Choose three.)
allows selection of files and directories from the guest file system of a Linux VM
enables LAN-free backup and avoids undue overloading of the datacenter network
helps to eliminate the need for a backup window by using a "hot" snapshot-based backup
reduces the load on the ESX Server by moving backup tasks to a backup proxy machine
makes it possible to do both file-based and full-system backup of the same VM simultaneously
Eliminate backup traffic from your network to improve the performance of production virtual machines.Eliminate backup traffic with LAN-free virtual machine backup utilizing tape devices.
Reduce the load on ESX Server and allow it to run more virtual machines.
VMware Consolidated Backup – Enable Non-Disruptive Backup for Virtual Machines
VMware Consolidated Backup takes a virtual machine snapshot and mounts the snapshot to the backup proxy server. As part of this process, the virtual machine is quiesced to ensure that the entire state of the virtual machine is captured at the point in time the snapshot is created
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