Avirtual machine performance graph shows the swap In value to be at 95%, and the Balloon value to be at 0%. Users of the VM are complaining that performance is slow.
Which of the following actions can be done to increase performance of the VM (Choose Two)?
Migrate the virtual machine to another datastore using Storage VMotion
Change the CPU Share value for this virtual machine to High
Install VMware Tools into this virtual machine
Change the Memory Share value for this virtual machine to High
C) (to make balooning work)and D)
I agree, a requirement for Balooning to work, you must have VMware tools installed as it install the balooning driver “vmmemctl”. If the baloon value is set to 0, the VM must not have VMware tools installed.
Answer C, D
How does enabling ballooning (via the install of the vmware tools) in a troublesome VM help that VM? Ballooning frees up physical RAM for other VMs
(forgot to flag follow-up)