What are two requirements for successful vMotion migration? (Choose two.)
CPUs with the same clock speed and cache size must east on both the source and destination hosts.
Gigabit Ethernet networking must exist between the source and destination hosts.
Virtual machines must have access to the same subnets on the source and destination hosts.
Virtual machines cannot be configured to use RDMs
Gigabit Ethernet networking must exist between the source and destination hosts.
Don’t understand why gigabit ethernet network is a must
Can anyone give me a refer?
Migration with vMotion requires correctly configured network interfaces on source and target hosts.
vMotion requires a Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) network between all vMotion-enabled hosts. Each host enabled for vMotion must have a minimum of two Ethernet adapters, at least one of which must be a GigE adapter.
vMotion Requirements for DRS Clusters
A DRS cluster has certain vMotion requirements.
To enable the use of DRS migration recommendations, the hosts in your cluster must be part of a vMotion network. If the hosts are not in the vMotion network, DRS can still make initial placement recommendations.
To be configured for vMotion, each host in the cluster must meet the following requirements:
vMotion does not support raw disks or migration of applications clustered using Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS).
vMotion requires a private Gigabit Ethernet migration network between all of the vMotion enabled managed hosts. When vMotion is enabled on a managed host, configure a unique network identity object for the managed host and connect it to the private migration network.