An existing vCloud Director environment that has been operational for a year is suddenly inaccessible via its web site. The error: Could not verify this certificate for unknown reasons appears.
Which course of action should an administrator take to address this problem?
Issue the command service vmware-vcd stop. Obtain or generate a new security certificate.
Install the certificate using /opt/vmware/cloud-director/bin/configure. Start the vCD service.
Access the vCloud Director administration web site through the internal network address. From within the Security option under the Administration tab, generate a new, self-signed certificate.
Generate a new certificate using keytool from within the vCD VM. Change the permissions on the resulting certificates.ks file to be readable by vcloud.vcloud. Issue the command service vmware-vcd restart.
Issue the command service vmware-vcd stop. Install a new certificate using the command keytool �keystore certificates.ks �storetype JCEKS �storepass passwd �genkey �keyalg RSA � alias http. Issue the command service vmware-vcd start.