When using Amazon SQS how much data can you store in a message?
8 KB
2 KB
16 KB
4 KB
With Amazon SQS version 2008-01-01, the maximum message size for both SOAP and Query requests is 8KB. If you
need to send messages to the queue that are larger than 8 KB, AWS recommends that you split the information into
separate messages. Alternatively, you could use Amazon S3 or Amazon SimpleDB to hold the information and include
the pointer to that information in the Amazon SQS message. If you send a message that is larger than 8KB to the queue,
you will receive a MessageTooLong error with HTTP code 400.
SQS now supports up to 256 KB: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/limits-messages.html
Old question/values, the msg limit now is 256 KB
The minimum message size is 1 byte (1 character). The maximum is 262,144 bytes (256 KB).
To send messages larger than 256 KB, you can use the Amazon SQS Extended Client Library for Java. This library allows you to send an Amazon SQS message that contains a reference to a message payload in Amazon S3. The maximum payload size is 2 GB.