Fill in the blanks: _____ is a durable, block-level storage volume that you can attach to a single, running Amazon EC2 instance.

Fill in the blanks: _____ is a durable, block-level storage volume that you can attach to a single, running
Amazon EC2 instance.

Fill in the blanks: _____ is a durable, block-level storage volume that you can attach to a single, running
Amazon EC2 instance.

Amazon S3

Amazon EBS

None of these

All of these

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Correct answer is B

Ganesh Ghube

Ganesh Ghube

Answer is = B

An Amazon EBS volume is a durable, block-level storage device that you can attach to a single EC2 instance. You can use EBS volumes as primary storage for data that requires frequent updates, such as the system drive for an instance or storage for a database application, or for throughput-intensive applications that perform continuous disk scans . EBS volumes persist independently from the running life of an EC2 instance. After a volume is attached to an instance, you can use it like any other physical hard drive. EBS volumes are flexible. You can dynamically grow volumes, modify provisioned IOPS capacity, and change volume types on live production volumes. Amazon EBS provides the following volume types: General Purpose SSD (gp2), Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1), Throughput Optimized HDD (st1), Cold HDD (sc1), and Magnetic (standard). They differ in performance characteristics and price, allowing you to tailor your storage performance and cost to the needs of your applications



EBS is block level and persistent storage we can achieve. Its durable because we can increase size of EBS.

Ganesh Ghube

Ganesh Ghube

Amazon EBS