what is the MOST important rule to be included in a sec…

Users are issued security tokens to be used in combination with a PIN to access the corporate virtual private
network (VPN). Regarding the PIN, what is the MOST important rule to be included in a security policy?

Users are issued security tokens to be used in combination with a PIN to access the corporate virtual private
network (VPN). Regarding the PIN, what is the MOST important rule to be included in a security policy?

Users should not leave tokens where they could be stolen

Users must never keep the token in the same bag as their laptop computer

Users should select a PIN that is completely random, with no repeating digits

Users should never write down their PIN

If a user writes their PIN on a slip of paper, an individual with the token, the slip of paper, and the computer
could access the corporate network. A token and the PIN is a two-factor authentication method. Access to the
token is of no value with out the PIN; one cannot work without the other. The PIN does not need to be random
as long as it is secret.

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