What is a risk associated with attempting to control ph…

What is a risk associated with attempting to control physical access to sensitive areas such as computer rooms
using card keys or locks?

What is a risk associated with attempting to control physical access to sensitive areas such as computer rooms
using card keys or locks?

Unauthorized individuals wait for controlled doors to open and walk in behind those authorized.

The contingency plan for the organization cannot effectively test controlled access practices.

Access cards, keys and pads can be easily duplicated allowing easy compromise of the control.

Removing access for those who are no longer authorized is complex.

The concept of piggybacking compromises all physical control established. Choice B would be of minimal
concern in a disaster recovery environment. Items in choice C are not easily duplicated. Regarding choice D,
while technology is constantly changing, card keys have existed for some time and appear to be a viable option
for the foreseeable future.

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