Which of the following physical access controls effecti…

Which of the following physical access controls effectively reduces the risk of piggybacking?

Which of the following physical access controls effectively reduces the risk of piggybacking?

Biometric door locks

Combination door locks

Deadman doors

Bolting door locks

Deadman doors use a pair of doors. For the second door to operate, the first entry door must close and lock
with only one person permitted in the holding area. This effectively reduces the risk of piggybacking. An
individual’s unique body features such as voice, retina, fingerprint or signature activate biometric door locks;
however, they do not prevent or reduce the risk of piggybacking. Combination door locks, also known as cipher
locks, use a numeric key pad or dial to gain entry. They do not prevent or reduce the risk of piggybacking since
unauthorized individuals may still gain access to the processing center. Bolting door locks require the traditional
metal key to gain entry. Unauthorized individuals could still gain access to the processing center along with an
authorized individual.

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