Which of the following would MOST effectively control t…

Which of the following would MOST effectively control the usage of universal storage bus (USB) storage

Which of the following would MOST effectively control the usage of universal storage bus (USB) storage

Policies that require instant dismissal if such devices are found

Software for tracking and managing USB storage devices

Administratively disabling the USB port

Searching personnel for USB storage devices at the facility’s entrance

Software for centralized tracking and monitoring would allow a USB usage policy to be applied to each user
based on changing business requirements, and would provide for monitoring and reporting exceptions to
management. A policy requiring dismissal may result in increased employee attrition and business
requirements would not be properly addressed. Disabling ports would be complex to manage and might not
allow for new business needs. Searching of personnel for USB storage devices at the entrance to a facility is
not a practical solution since these devices are small and could be easily hidden.

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