Which of the following would be the BEST contingency pl…

A financial institution that processes millions of transactions each day has a central communications processor
(switch) for connecting to automated teller machines (ATMs). Which of the following would be the BEST
contingency plan for the communications processor?

A financial institution that processes millions of transactions each day has a central communications processor
(switch) for connecting to automated teller machines (ATMs). Which of the following would be the BEST
contingency plan for the communications processor?

Reciprocal agreement with another organization

Alternate processor in the same location

Alternate processor at another network node

Installation of duplex communication links

The unavailability of the central communications processor would disrupt all access to the banking network.
This could be caused by an equipment, power or communications failure. Reciprocal agreements make an
organization dependent on the other organization and raise privacy, competition and regulatory issues. Having
an alternate processor in the same location resolves the equipment problem, but would not be effective if the
failure was caused by environmental conditions (i.e., power disruption). The installation of duplex
communication links would only be appropriate if the failure were limited to the communication link.

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