You want the default permissions for your files to be -rw-r—– .
HOW must you set umask?
A) removes the directory permission g-x making the g+r permission pointless
B) would result in –x-wxrwx, which is not what we want
C) is not a octal number used for umask
Correct Answer: D
the comment box is not for the answers
-rw-r—– should be 137
For directories, the base permissions are (rwxrwxrwx) 0777 and for files they are 0666 (rw-rw-rw).
Therefore umask 027 is correct.
027 is correct. However the explanation seems slightly out of context as the question does not refer to symbolic mode action.
I have the same idea.
Answer should be 026
Default filepermission: 666 – 640 = 026
The default for a new directory is 777(rwxrwxrwx). 777-750 = 027
It must be 027 because you want to set the default permissions for (all) your files. So you need to edit the umask for your directory.
I have been saying the same thing
but 026 is not listed as an answer, you should pick 027 which also give the correct permission