You need to ensure that unhandled errors and exceptions are never displayed to users

You are preparing to deploy a Windows Store app to the marketplace.
You need to ensure that unhandled errors and exceptions are never displayed to users.
What should you do?

You are preparing to deploy a Windows Store app to the marketplace.
You need to ensure that unhandled errors and exceptions are never displayed to users.
What should you do?

In the app object, wrap the call to the Window.Current.Activate() method in a try-catch statement
to handle any exceptions that occur.

Open the Exceptions window in Visual Studio and clear the check box for unhandled exceptions
for the Common Language Runtime.

Write a handler for the UnhandledException event and set the Handled property on the
UnhandledExceptionEventArgs object to true.

Write a handler for the UnhandledException event and set the CancelBubble property on the
UnhandledExceptionEventArgs object to true.


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