Mark is using a single perimeter ?

Mark works as a Network Administrator for BlueWell Inc. The company has a Windows-based network.
Mark has retained his services to perform a security assessment of the company’s network that has various
servers exposed to the Internet. So, it may be vulnerable to an attack. Mark is using a single
perimeter ?rewall, but he does not know if that is enough. He wants to review the situation and make some
reliable recommendations so that he can protect the data over company’s network. Which of the following will Mark do to accomplish the task?

Mark works as a Network Administrator for BlueWell Inc. The company has a Windows-based network.
Mark has retained his services to perform a security assessment of the company’s network that has various
servers exposed to the Internet. So, it may be vulnerable to an attack. Mark is using a single
perimeter ?rewall, but he does not know if that is enough. He wants to review the situation and make some
reliable recommendations so that he can protect the data over company’s network. Which of the following will Mark do to accomplish the task?

Outsource the related services.

Encrypt the data and than start transmission.

Locate the Internet-exposed servers and devices in an internal network.

Create a perimeter network to isolate the servers from the internal network.

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