Choose and reorder the steps required to perform a database attach full upgrade in Project Server 2010.

Choose and reorder the steps required to perform a database attach full upgrade in Project Server

Choose and reorder the steps required to perform a database attach full upgrade in Project Server


The steps required to perform a database attach full upgrade in Project Server 2010 are
as follows:
1.Verify the data of Project Server 2007.
2.Extract the Project Web Access site from a content database to a new content database. This step
is optional.
3.Back up the databases in SQL Server.
4.Restore the backup copies to the newly created Project Server 2010 farm.
5.Add the restored content database to the new farm.
6.Using the restored databases, provision a new Project Server 2010 PWA instance.
7.Diagnose failures.
8.Configure for post-installation.
9.Verify the successful completion of migration.

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