You need to reduce the number of e-mail messages that are incorrectly identified as spam

You are a messaging professional.

Your company uses a Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 messaging system. The company has enabled anti-spam features with default settings on the Edge Transport server.

A number of e-mail messages are incorrectly identified as spam.

You need to reduce the number of e-mail messages that are incorrectly identified as spam. You also need to ensure that your solution enables the Exchange administrators to review the e-mail messages that are identified as spam.

What should you do?

You are a messaging professional.

Your company uses a Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 messaging system. The company has enabled anti-spam features with default settings on the Edge Transport server.

A number of e-mail messages are incorrectly identified as spam.

You need to reduce the number of e-mail messages that are incorrectly identified as spam. You also need to ensure that your solution enables the Exchange administrators to review the e-mail messages that are identified as spam.

What should you do?

Use real-time block lists. Include transport rules that journal all e-mail messages to a central mailbox.

Use IP Block lists. Include transport rules for all e-mail messages that are received by any Edge Transport
server to blind copy e-mail messages to a central mailbox.

Modify the spam confidence level (SCL) thresholds and enable quarantine for the suspected e-mail
messages to store these e-mail messages in a central mailbox.

Modify the spam confidence level (SCL) thresholds and enable quarantine for the suspected e-mail
messages to store these e-mail messages in the users junk e-mail folder.

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