You work in an international company which is named TXTWIN. And you’re in charge of the company network and use Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 R2.
Now you create an orchestration. A scope with multiple exception handlers is contained in this orchestration. Exceptions that are raised in terms of exception type are addressed by the exception handlers. The orchestration meets a Divide by Zero error and raises a DivideByZeroException, when processing a transaction message. But the value which is being divided by zero is not provided. So what should you do to raise an ArgumentNullException?
You should catch the DivideByZeroException and throw the ArgumentNullException.
You should catch the ArgumentNullException and throw the DivideByZeroException.
You should catch the DivideByZeroException and roll back the orchestration by using a Compensation shape.
You should iterate the Exception collection by using a Loop shape and an Expression shape, and then throw both exception types.
You should use a Parallel Actions shape. In one branch, throw the ArgumentNullException.
In another branch, throw the DivideByZeroException.
BURGOS: mnemo: "DivideByZeroException … ArgumentNullException" = "DivideByZeroException throw ArgumentNullException"