ABC SA de CV is a Company located in New York City and has 3 Branch Offices in Laredo, Bryan, and
Houston Texas. The network Administrator has the requirement to configure that all international calls
goes out first for Houston Texas, if the GW of Houston goes down then the international call goes out
for Bryan Texas and if GW of Bryan goes down, the international call will go out of Laredo Texas. What
does the Administrator have to configure to achieve this requirement?
Configure a Route Pattern selecting all possible gateways.
Configure a Line Group for international calls selecting the first option GW of Houston, then Bryan
and finally Laredo. After this he has to configure a Hunt List for international calls selecting the Line
Group for international calls and finally create the Hunt Pilot for International calls selecting the Hunt
List created for international calls.
Configure a New Partition and New CSS for international calls.
Configure a Route Group for international calls selecting the first option GW of Houston, then Bryan
and finally Laredo. After this he has to configure a Route List for international calls selecting the Route
Group for international calls and finally create the Route Pattern for International calls selecting the
Route List created for international calls.