A company uses Skype for Business Online. You use contoso.com as the verified domain name for the Office
365 tenant. Users conduct Skype online meetings. You add fabricam.com to the tenant and configure the
tenant to use this domain name.
You need to ensure that all Skype online meeting URLs contain the new domain name.
Which Windows PowerShell cmdlet should you run?
The New-CsSimpleURL command Creates a new simple URL, which can then be added to a simple URL
configuration collection. Simple URLs make it easier for users to join meetings and conferences, and also
make it easier for administrators to log on to the Skype for Business Server Control Panel.
Example: The example shows how a new URL can be added to an existing collection of simple URLs. To begin
with, the first command in the example uses the New-CsSimpleUrlEntry cmdlet to create a URL entry that
points to https://meet.fabrikam.com; this URL entry is stored in a variable named $urlEntry.
In the second command, the New-CsSimpleUrl cmdlet is used to create an in-memory-only instance of a
simple URL. In this example, the URL Component is set to Meet; the domain is set to fabrikam.com; the
ActiveUrl is set to https://meet.fabrikam.com; and the SimpleUrl property is set to $urlEntry, with $urlEntry being
the URL entry created in the first command.
After the URL has been created (and stored in the object reference $simpleUrl) the final command in the
example adds the new URL to the simple URL collection for the Redmond site. This is done by using the SetCsSimpleUrlConfiguration cmdlet, the SimpleUrl parameter, and the parameter value @{Add=$simpleUrl}. This
syntax causes the URL stored in the object reference $simpleUrl to be added to the SimpleUrl property.
$urlEntry = New-CsSimpleUrlEntry -Url “https://meet.fabrikam.com”
$simpleUrl = New-CsSimpleUrl -Component “meet” -Domain “fabrikam.com” -SimpleUrlEntry $urlEntry –
ActiveUrl “https://meet.fabrikam.com”
Set-CsSimpleUrlConfiguration -Identity “site:Redmond” -SimpleUrl @{Add=$simpleUrl}
Incorrect Answers:
A: The Update-CsTenantMeetingUrl command updates the meeting URL for the specified Lync Online tenant.
The updated URL uses a simpler, more standardized format that makes it easier for clients to locate and
connect to meetings.
The question says “You need to ensure that all Skype online meeting URLs contain the new domain name”.
The answer New-CsSimpleURL not ensure that.
To ensure that, you need to run “Update-CsTenantMeetingUrl” command.
I think the correct answer is A.
I think so, too.
+1 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3011453/url-for-meetings-in-skype-for-business-online-doesn-t-use-the-custom-d
New-CsSimpleUrl – is used for On-Premises Skype for Business Server 2015
Update-CsTenantMeetingUrl – is used for Skype for Business Online
So “A” it is
I agree with A
The only problem with D is that “the cmdlet REPLACES the old meeting URL with a new one that contains the custom URL instead” while we are asked to ADD an additional URL to an existing URL configuration collection.
Answer A has no issue with that unfortunately it’s for on-premises SFB only.
I would choose D anyway because the Online & on-premises difference has more weigh on my decision than the REPLACE or ADDING difference.
I meant “the only problem with E (new-CsSimpleURL)….” and “I would choose A…”
sorry I meant I would choose A…..