How should you implement this feature?

You are designing a localized ASP.NET MVC online shopping application that will be deployed to customers in
the United States, China, France, and Brazil. The application must support multiple cultures so that content in
the appropriate language is available in each area.
You need to ensure that the content can be viewed in several languages.
How should you implement this feature?

You are designing a localized ASP.NET MVC online shopping application that will be deployed to customers in
the United States, China, France, and Brazil. The application must support multiple cultures so that content in
the appropriate language is available in each area.
You need to ensure that the content can be viewed in several languages.
How should you implement this feature?

Use a resource (.resx) file to provide translations.

Use Systems.Collections.Generics.Dictionary to store alternative translations.

Ensure that all strings are marked internal to avoid conflict with internal literals.

Include language-specific content in the assembly manifest and use .NET culture libraries.

A resource file is an XML file that contains the strings that you want to translate into different languages or
paths to images. The resource file contains key/value pairs. Each pair is an individual resource. Key names are
not case sensitive. For example, a resource file might contain a resource with the key Button1 and the value
You create a separate resource file for each language (for example, English and French) or for a language and
culture (for example English [U.K.], English [U.S.]). Each localized resource file has the same key/value pairs;
the only difference is that a localized resource file can contain fewer resources than the default resource file.
The built-in language fallback process then handles loading the neutral or default resource.
SP.NET Web Page Resources Overview

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