You review a document and you want to add some suggestions to a part of the document. What will
you do to accomplish the task?
Insert a footer.
Enable Track Changes.
Insert a caption.
Insert a comment.
Comment is a text that reviewers may add to suggest some changes to a part of the document. It
helps the creator of the document to know what other person(s) think of the document.
Answer B is incorrect. The Track Changes option is used to view all the changes that are done by the
reviewer(s). It helps the creator of the document to view the changes like insertions, deletions, and formatting.
Answer A is incorrect. Footer is an area in a document where a user can put vital information such
as page number, date of creation of document, time of creation of document, filename, and other
information. It always appears on the bottom of each page.
Answer C is incorrect. Caption is a title for an image. It is written below the image to help a reader
build a story around the image. Caption is a statement that provides brief explanation of the image.