Which of the following commands should you issue to set the maximum number of extensions that you can
configure on a CME router? (Choose two.)
You should issue the telephony-service command and the max-dn command to set the maximum number of
directory numbers (dns), or extensions, that you can configure on a Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Express (CME) router. Issuing the telephony-service command puts the router into telephony-service
configuration mode, where you can issue commands that configure telephony settings on the router, such as
the max-dn and max-ephones commands.
A CME router requires three values in order to configure basic telephony service: an IP address, a max-dn
value, and a max-ephones value. The maximum value of the max-dn parameter varies based on the router
model, the IOS version, and the amount of memory. If you do not issue the max-dn command, you will not be
able to configure any ephone-dns on the router.
You should issue the dn-webedit command to enable the addition of ephone-dns by using the browser-based
graphical user interface (GUI). By default, you cannot add an extension to CME by using the browser-based
GUI. The dn-webedit command should be issued in telephony-service configuration mode.
You should issue the max-ephones command to set the maximum number of phones, not the maximum
number of extensions, that you can configure on a router. Like the max-dn command, the max-ephones
command must be issued in telephony-service configuration mode. The maximum value of the max-ephones
parameter varies based on the router model and the IOS version. If you do not issue the max-ephones
command, you will not be able to configure any ephones on the router.
You cannot issue the ephone-dn command to set the maximum number of extensions that you can configure
on a router. The ephone-dn command configures an ephone-dn. The syntax of the ephone-dn command is
ephone-dn dn-tag [dual-line | octo-line]. Issuing the ephone-dn command puts the router into ephone-dn
configuration mode. To set the extension number for an ephone-dn, you should issue the number command in
ephone-dn configuration mode.
You cannot issue the ephone command to set the maximum number of extensions that you can configure on a
router. The ephone command configures an ephone. The syntax of the ephone command is ephone phonetag.
Issuing the ephone command puts the router into ephone configuration mode. To associate a physical IP
phone with an ephone, you should issue the ma-caddress mac-address command in ephone configuration
mode, where mac-address is the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the IP phone.Cisco: Cisco Unified CME Commands: max-dn
Cisco: Cisco Unified CME Commands: max-ephones