Which ofthe following sections should you modify in the…

You want to force new Cisco Unity Connection users to change their TUI passwords when they log in. Which ofthe following sections should you modify in the user template?

You want to force new Cisco Unity Connection users to change their TUI passwords when they log in. Which ofthe following sections should you modify in the user template?




Voice Mail Password Settings

Web Application Password Settings

You should modify the Voice Mail Password Settings section of the Cisco Unity Connection user template to
force new users to change their telephone user interface (TUI) passwords when they log in. Cisco Unity
Connection users have two passwords: the voice mail system password that is issued by using the telephone
keypad and the web application password that is issued by using Cisco Unity Connection’s web-based
graphical user interface (GUI). To force new users to change their TUI passwords when they log in, you should
click Templates > User Templates in Cisco Unity Connection and then select Voice Mail from the Choose
Password dropdown menu. In the Voice Mail Password Settings section, select the User Must Change at Next
check box and click the Save button.
You should not modify the Location section of the user template. The Location section contains fields that
enable an administrator to configure geographic information about Cisco Unity Connection users, such as
address, language, and time zone settings. If your company has multiple locations in varying time zones, you
could create individual user templates for each time zone so that you are not required to modify the time zone
each time you add users to a unique location.
You should not modify the Web Application Password Settings section of the user template. The Cisco Unity
Connection web-based GUI enables access to the User Web Pages feature of a Cisco Unified
Communications environment. The User Web Pages feature can be used to provide users with the ability to
perform some customization of their Cisco IP phones or other Unified Communications settings. Because a
user enters the web application password by using the GUI, not by using the TUI, you do not need to modify the
Web Application Password Settings section in this scenario. To access the Web Application Password Settings
section, you should click Templates > User Templates in Cisco Unity Connection and then select Web
Application from the Choose Password drop-down menu.
You should not modify the Phone section of the user template. The Phone section enables a Cisco Unity
Connection administrator to apply dial plan settings, such as the partition and search space, as well as Class of
Service (CoS) settings to users. A partition is a logical grouping of Voice over IP (VoIP) route patterns and
directory numbers (dns). A search space is an ordered list of partitions that a device is allowed to search for
patterns that match a dialed number. CoS settings enable an administrator to apply a specific set of privileges
to Cisco Unity Connection users.
You should not modify the Name section of the user template. The Name section contains the Alias field and
the Display Name field, both of which are required fields when creating users in Cisco Unity Connection. An
administrator can also configure the way names are displayed by choosing either the First Name, Then Last
Name radio button or the Last Name, Then First Name radio button in the Name section.

CCNA Voice 640-461 Official Cert Guide, Chapter 13, Password Settings, pp. 359-360

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