Which statement about Software Maintenance Upgrade is true?

Which statement about Software Maintenance Upgrade is true?

Which statement about Software Maintenance Upgrade is true?

CRS-1 SMU can be applied to a different platform, and vice versa.

SMU is an executable code for running a process or libraries that are shared between the
different processes.

SMUs for each release are individually downloadable from Cisco.com and come in the form of
a tar ball.

SMUs provide software fixes for critical network down and qualification blocking issues.
Therefore, every software defect has a corresponding SMU.

SMUs are release-specific. If an issue affects multiple platforms or releases, an SMU is built
separately for each release and each platform.

1.4. SP high end product
SMUs for each release are individually downloadable from Cisco.com, whereas the bootable files
and optional PIEs come in the form of a tarball.
SMUs are release specific. If an issue affects multiple platforms or releases, an SMU will be
separately built for each release and each platform depending on the mission-critical need.
A CRS-1 SMU cannot be applied to a different platform, and vice versa.
SMUs provide software fixes for critical network-down and qualification-blocking issues. Therefore,
every software defect will not have a corresponding SMU.

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