Which IP address or address range will be used when allocating an internal IP address to the VPN clients for the “test” VPN group?

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Which IP address or address range will be used when allocating an internal IP address to the VPN clients for the “test” VPN
group?________________________________________________________________________ _________

This item consists of one or more multiple choice type questions that you must answer. To answer these questions, you need to use a GUI tool that becomes fully accessible by the use of the labs you see below these directions. The tabs have up and down arrows to signal the direction that the tabbed window may be dragged lo expose or hide the GUI tool. When you are done using the GUI tool, you may drag the tab down to continue answering questions. To advance to the next question in the series, click on the numbered button to the left of each question. Make sure that you have answered all the questions before continuing to the next item.

Which IP address or address range will be used when allocating an internal IP address to the VPN clients for the “test” VPNĀ group?

A. to I

10.1-1.2 to

C. to

D. to



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