Which of the following statements regarding Phone Button Templates are valid?

Which of the following statements regarding Phone Button Templates are valid? (Select three)

Which of the following statements regarding Phone Button Templates are valid? (Select three)

Phone Button Templates permits the re-assignment of buttons to suit the users’ environment.

Phone Button Templates must be based on an existing template.

The Phone Button Template menu is found under “Devices > Phone Button Template”

IP Phones should have at least one Speed Dial Button defined.

IP Phones should have at least one Line Button defined.

The Phone Button Template menu is found under “Devices > Phone > Button Template”

Phone Button Template Configuration
Cisco CallManager includes several default phone button templates. When adding phones, you can assign one of these templates to the phones or create a new template. Creating and using templates provides a fast way to assign a common button configuration to a large number of phones. For example, if users in Certkiller do not use the conference feature, you can create a template that reassigns this button to a different feature, such as speed dial.
Make sure all phones have at least one line assigned. Normally, this is button 1. You can assign additional lines to a phone, depending on the Cisco IP phone model. Phones also generally have several features, such as speed dial and call forward, assigned to the remaining buttons.
Step 1 Choose Device > Phone Button Template.
Step 2 Choose a template and click Copy to create a new template. The new template exactly duplicates the existing template and automatically assigns it a new name. You must update this new template if you want it to differ from the original.
Step 3 Update the appropriate settings.
Step 4 Click Insert to add the new template.
Step 5 Click View Button Layout to verify the button layout. Not C: The Phone Button Template menu is found under Device > Device Settings

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