Which of the following is a characteristic of fast-tracking a project?

A stakeholder has indicated that a three phase project must be completed in four months instead
of the previously agreed upon six months. It is determined that fast-tracking the project is the only
option. Which of the following is a characteristic of fast-tracking a project?

A stakeholder has indicated that a three phase project must be completed in four months instead
of the previously agreed upon six months. It is determined that fast-tracking the project is the only
option. Which of the following is a characteristic of fast-tracking a project?

Minimize risk due to decreased timeline.

Requires planning and execution to be completed in parallel.

Minimizes cost since work is completed in four months instead of six.

Requires rework due to decreased timeline.

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Michael McNeil

Michael McNeil

Admin: Please fix. Answer should be A.



The answer shown is correct. B.



Agreed. Fast-tracking can increase risk.

Todd The Bod

Todd The Bod

There is no possible way rushing something would minimize risk. Answer is B.