Which of the following represents the appropriate order of an effective change management process?

Which of the following represents the appropriate order of an effective change management

Which of the following represents the appropriate order of an effective change management

Identify change, perform impact analysis, approve or deny change, update applicable project
plan components, document change.

Identify change, document change, perform impact analysis, approve or deny change, update
applicable project plan components.

Identify change, document change, perform impact analysis, update applicable project plan
components, approve or deny change.

Identify change, document change, approve or deny change, perform impact analysis, update
applicable project plan components.

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Michael McNeil

Michael McNeil

Admin: B should be the correct answer.

There are several aspects to an effective change management system. We ’ ll look at each of these elements throughout this section. The change management process includes the following:

Change request forms (and other documentation)
Change request log
Analysis of the impacts of change
Change control board (CCB)
Coordination and communication with appropriate stakeholders
Updating the affected project – planning documents