How should you simulate a managed server failure to test whether automatic server migration is working?

A highly available WebLogic cluster in UNIX is configured for automatic server migration. Node
Managed is configured on both machines to start managed servers.
How should you simulate a managed server failure to test whether automatic server migration is

A highly available WebLogic cluster in UNIX is configured for automatic server migration. Node
Managed is configured on both machines to start managed servers.
How should you simulate a managed server failure to test whether automatic server migration is

Shut down the managed server from the WebLogic console.

Shut down the managed server using the WLST command through Node Manager.

Run “kill -9” once to kill the managed server process.

Run “kill -9” to kill the managed server process, and run “kill -9” one more time if the managed
server is restarting.


* It is recommended that you shutdown WebLogic Server instances through the Administration
* If automatic server migration is enabled, the servers are required to contact the cluster leader
and renew their leases periodically. Servers will shut themselves down if they are unable to renew
their leases. The failed servers will then be automatically migrated to the machines in the majority

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It couldn’t be A or B, because if a managed server is stopped intentionally, nodemanager does not care of restarting or migrating them.
It is not C because if you kill the managed server, then nodemanager will try to restart first instead of migrating it.



– Nodemanager will not restart unless you actually configure managed server for auto restart and restart at failure.

-Option A: FORCE Shutdown will be the way to go here from the console, this way you actually simulating that the server is gonna be stopped unexpectedly without waiting to fulffil pending requests.

– Option B: no need for WLST here.



I think you’re a little confused in your response. WebLogic detects intentional stops and it marks the server as “shutdown” vice “failed”. When it detects a “failure” – it will then try to automigrate or recover the failed server.




1- Stop the WLS_SERVER1 managed server. To do this, run this command on HOST1:kill -9 pid

2- Watch the Node Manager console. You should see a message indicating that WLS_SERVER1’s floating IP has been disabled.

3- Wait for Node Manager to try a second restart of WLS_SERVER1. It waits for a fence period of 30 seconds before trying this restart.

4- Once Node Manager restarts the server, stop it again. Node Manager should now log a message indicating that the server will not be restarted again locally.