Why was the IPv6 Time To Live (TTL) field changed to the Hop Limit field in IPv6?

Why was the IPv6 Time To Live (TTL) field changed to the Hop Limit field in IPv6?

Why was the IPv6 Time To Live (TTL) field changed to the Hop Limit field in IPv6?

TTL is measured in milliseconds, whereas most routers route packets in nanoseconds.

TTL is measured in milliseconds, whereas most routers route packets in seconds.

TTL is measured in milliseconds, whereas most routers route packets in hops.

TTL is measured in seconds, whereas most routers route packets in milliseconds.

The hop limit field now holds the number of hops, and no longer holds a time value. The problem
is that the routers and the network have become too fast (yes, this is a good thing!). The router
can route a packet through the network from end to end in less than a second. Having a TTL that
can only be represented in seconds was no longer compatible with the capabilities of the network.
Incorrect Answers:
A: TTL was measured in seconds, so these options are incorrect.
B: TTL was measured in seconds, so these options are incorrect.
C: TTL was measured in seconds, so these options are incorrect.

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