Which of the following describes a typical commercial software license?

You have two computers, each with a different operating system. One is a Linux system, which
uses the Gnu Public License (GPL). You can use this Linux software free of charge, and you can
make changes to code that created the operating system. The other system is a Windows system.
Which of the following describes a typical commercial software license?

You have two computers, each with a different operating system. One is a Linux system, which
uses the Gnu Public License (GPL). You can use this Linux software free of charge, and you can
make changes to code that created the operating system. The other system is a Windows system.
Which of the following describes a typical commercial software license?

It allows you to make changes to the operating system code, but only if you agree not to
redistribute the code.

It describes the steps you must first perform to install the system.

It allows you to use the software, but does not imply any penalties if you violate the license.

It describes the right to use the software on a single computer.

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