Which statement is true about transaction exclusion?

Users can choose to EXCLUDE specific transactions in a Balance Forward Bill. Which statement is true
about transaction exclusion?

Users can choose to EXCLUDE specific transactions in a Balance Forward Bill. Which statement is true
about transaction exclusion?

Transaction exclusion can be done during creation of the transaction.

Transaction exclusion for a statement can be done at each transaction level.

Transaction exclusion can NOT be done during the creation of a transaction.

Transaction exclusion for a statement can be done at the individual transaction as well as the
transaction group level.

* The Override terms option makes available to transactions non-balance forward payment terms
and the one balance forward billing payment terms you defined in the previous step. This lets you
exclude individual transactions from balance forward billing by assigning the transaction nonbalance forward payment terms.
* If the Override Terms option on the customer profile is set to Yes, then you can remove
transactions from the bill by assigning these transactions non-balance forward billing payment
These transactions are excluded from the next run of the balance forward bill. Instead an individual
document is printed for each of these transactions.

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