The default dunning contact name can be specified in the __________.
Global Preferences in the Manage Collection Preferences
Preferences in the Manage Collection Preferences
Create Dunning Configuration in the Manage Dunning Configuration
Dunning Configuration Details in the Manage Dunning Configuration
What’s the difference between Global Preferences and Preferences?
Global preferences affect the Collections Customer Work Area, such as display of closed or open
transactions and setting date range parameters.
Preferences can be set uniquely for a specific business unit. Preferences impact the default settings,
such as preference set and default method to send notifications.
* Configuration of Collections Manager include:
Set up Collections Manager to send dunning letters.
* Selections made in the Preference region impact the defaults the collector encounters when going
through the collection process. Preferences define the following
Preference set
Collections business level
Summarize or age credits
Default exchange rate
Send method of dunning
Default contact for unknown dunning recipientsOracle Fusion Applications Financials Implementation Guide, FAQs for Manage
Collections Preferences