The customer is not satisfied with the default wording used in some of the links, buttons, and
messages in the Knowledge Center user Interface and would like to change them.
How is the value for the stringid variable determined when defining the custom text in the
eu<langid>.cus file?
Identify the last or highest stringid already in use in the eu<langid>.lng file and begin numbering
your custom strings with the next integer.
Use the same stringid value defined in the eu<langid>.lng file for the string you will be
customizing in the eu<langid>.cus file.
The stringid value is a hexadecimal representation of your custom text. Use a “text to hex”
conversion toll to identify the hexadecimal value to use as stringid for your custom text.
Your custom strings should have stringid values beginning with 1 and use incremental integer
values for each subsequent custom string.
To specify custom text blocks or graphics, you must create a “customization” file
that contains
your custom information. This is accomplished by creating a new file named eu<langid>.cus.
This file uses the same file structure as the eu<langid>.lng file. You only need to add the
specific text blocks and graphics that you are modifying to the “customization” file, because the
eu<langid>.lng is read first and then the eu<langid>.cus file is read to pick up any
Customize Text
Every text block in the user interface can be customized. This allows you to customize the
messages that appear to the user on pages, error dialogs, and so on.
The first step in changing the text is to identify the block of text that you wish to customize
and determine its stringid. There are two different methods for doing this. One method is to
copy the text from the Knowledge Center user interface and search the eu<langid>.lng file for
the appropriate item. You can then place the appropriate entry in your customization file(.cus). Knowledge Center also provides a special mode that allows you to view the stringids as
you are running the user interface.
OracleUser Productivity KitKnowledge Center: User And Content Management,Basic