You are working on a UPK implementation that will take advantage of UPK’s Help menu
integration with Oracle E-Business Suite and ExactMatch context.
Identify two tasks that should be completed when deploying the In-Application support.
Install the library files in the UPK multi-user server’s target application profile directory before
recording or publishing content for EBS.
Install the library files on the applcore forms server before deploying the published User
Productivity Content for EBS.
Install the library files on the applcore forms server when implementing EBS 12.1.1 or create a
profile in later releases before recording.
Verify that the context is being captured during recording by recording a sample and reviewing
the captured context by using the Player’s context utility.
Verify that the context is being captured during recording by recording a sample and reviewing
the captured context by using the Developer’s context editor in the topic editor.
C:Implement Context-Sensitive Help Integration
If you want to implement context-sensitive help for Oracle E-Business Suite applications,
the correct Context IDs of the objects in Oracle must be captured while the content is
recorded. To enable this, you must deploy or modify the custom library (CUSTOM.pll) on
the Oracle server you will use to record the content. This must be done before you begin
to record content.
E:Context Recognition in the Recorder
For target applications, the Developer acquires the context information for each screen
when the content is recorded. This type of recognition is called “ExactMatch” because
content is tied to a specific screen’s context ID ensuring a 100% match.
If the application you are recording is not supported, you can create Context IDs manually
in the Topic Editor. For
Note:Context information can be used in conjunction with in-application support to provide
context-sensitive help. In-application support allows the user to use SmartHelp or the
target application’s Help menu to launch topics that correlate to their current screen rather
than the entire list of topics. The Developer provides context recognition support
differently for target applications than it does for non-target applications.
OracleUser Productivity,In-Application Support,IN-APPLICATION SUPPORT
OracleUser Productivity, Content Development,Context Recognition in the Recorder