Which method would you use to purge all documents that have been deleted over a month?

Which method would you use to purge all documents that have been deleted over a month?

Which method would you use to purge all documents that have been deleted over a month?

Filter the Deleted Documents view by Deletion Date on or before a month ago and select Purge
All from the Administration menu.

Sort the Deleted Documents view by Deletion Date, select all documents deleted over a month
ago, and select Purge All from the Administration menu.

Select purge All from the Administration menu and select “Over 30 days” from the drop-down

Sort the Deleted Documents view by Age, select all documents over 30 days old, and select
Purge All from the Administration menu.

To purge one or more documents, you must be working online and have Deleted
Documents View of the Library displayed. Then you can either selectively purge documents from
the list or purge all documents on the list at once.
To purge selected documents:
1. Log in as an administrator.
2. Make sure you are working online.
3. From the Library, switch to the Deleted Documents View.
4. Select the document(s) that you want to purge from the Library.
5. On the Administration menu, choose Purge.
6. Choose Yes to purge the selected documents.

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